Saturday 11 March 2017

Play - serious work for kids!

As we are playing and exploring our world we are learning so much...

....we can make spinning tops from materials in our class. We learnt how to make them work, we helped each other to do it well, we learnt that it works best on smooth surfaces and we were proud when we persevered to achieve a great spin! We had to be super quick to catch them when they went close to the edge.

...after many different plans and attempts we worked out what order the pipes had to be in and what angle they needed to sit on to make the cars race down so they would make it all the way. It was also very challenging to take turns and help to hold it together! Some of our bigs vehicles got stuck - we had to estimate which ones would fit all the way down.

....we had so many patterns being designed and made in Room 23 today - lots of them repeated using colours, shapes and sizes. The girls were great at describing them, explaining how they made them and even better at sorting them out when finished!