Saturday 20 May 2017

Phew....what a week....

We have been super busy this week as usual - come and check out some of the fun!

Lots of us have been trying really hard to learn to skip. We have had to try super hard and show great grit and perseverance. Some children are wonderful at encouraging and helping others out. Jindveeer told me that he couldn't skip YET but he was going to keep trying - what an amazing attitude!

Volcanoes have been popping up lots in the sandpit and our building creations in the class. After some discussion we decided we should try and make lava in the sandpit. George knew that we needed vinegar and baking soda and Jianzhi and Felix thought red would be the perfect colour for the lava. There were squeals of delight  as the lava spilled down our volcanos! We talked about how the things we mixed together (ingredients) caused a chemical reaction.

Potions and secret mixes were a big hit. We had lots of different types of ingredients ranging from flour, chilli powder and lime leaves to shampoo and the smells and textures created so many great discussions and some wonderful ideas of what our magic mixtures might do...

"Mine is really gluggy."

"This is stinky - I think I need lots to scare the people eating my potion!"

"I put in 2 spoons of the green stuff, I think I need to add some more water". How much? I asked "I think one cup."

"Mine is like cow poo!"

"I am being a kaitiaki for the worm. I need to keep him safe. He needs somewhere to live, maybe in some water." What a kind young man!

Our ball handing skills are getting so much better - we haven't lost any on the roof lately!

We were super lucky that we got to have a sneaky look at the Fire Trucks when Tessas friends Nicky visited - it was cool to see the trucks up close and the firemen and women told us about all the special things they used when fighting fires.

Noodles, noodles everywhere...literally, but so fun to tip and squish and run our fingers through!

Before we started they looked like this....

Then this, plus the ones on the floor in the back of trucks
 and measured into muffin tins....

We have been doing lots of talking about patterns and how we can see them everywhere - it was so great to see some children making their own and being super proud of their creations.

Dhiyaa was being a super fast mathematician with her wonderful domino adding.

1 comment:

  1. cool patterns guys Brooke I love your one from your big friend holly
